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  • ​I am a third-year Ph.D. student at Jinji Lab, Kyoto University.

  • Interests: Knowledge Diffusion (International Economics, Spatial Economics, Networks).

  • Papers

    • Non-Refereed

      1. ​​吉元宇楽・伊藤麟稀・小澤 駿弥 (2022). "税関の輸出入申告個票データで何がわかるのか ~国際貿易に関する海外の研究事例~ "『財務総研リサーチ・ペーパー』22-RP-02.

      2. 伊藤麟稀・森田陽子 (2020). "名古屋市における父親の働き方、家事時間と母親の就業選択" 『国際地域経済研究』第 19 号: 5-16.​​​

    • Preprint

      • Rinki Ito (2023). "​Centrality in Production Networks and International Technology Diffusion." arXiv:2306.06680.

    • Work in progress​​

      • Inventor network and Knowledge spillovers.

      • Regional trade agreements and international R&D spillovers. (with Yukiko Sawada & Naoto Jinji, submitted)

  • Presentation​

    • The Japan Society of International Economics, 

      • The 82th Annual Meeting, 2023/10.

      • Kansai branch, 2023/12. 

    • Nagoya City University, 2022/09.

      • ​Graduate School of Economics Tuesday Workshop

      • Seminar for Graduate Students (slide: in Japanese)

    • Asia-Pacific Trade Seminars, 2022/06.

    • IEFS Japan Annual Meeting, 2022/03.

    • The Japan Society of International Economics, 

      • The 80th Annual Meeting, 2021/10.

      • Kansai branch, 2022/01. (slide

    • ​Japanse Economic Association, 2021/10. (poster)

  • Education

    • ​Doctor in Economics: Kyoto University, 2021 - (present).

    • ​Master in Economics: Kyoto University, 2019 - 2021.

    • ​Bachelor in Economics: Nagoya City University, 2014 - 2019.

  • ​Employment (Research Assistant)

    • ​UTokyo Economic Consulting Inc. , Japan (August 2021 - present).

    • Policy Research Institute, Ministry of Finance, Japan (April 2021 - March 2023).

  • Grants

    • ​Grant-in-Aid for JSPS Fellows  (DC2), JSPS (April 2022 - March 2024).

      • ​200,000 JPY per month, 1 million JPY for research funding.

    • Incentive Research Fellows, Kyoto University (December 2021 - March 2022).​​​

      • 150,000 JPY per month, 133,000 JPY for research funding

  • Contact: itou.rinki.73r[at]

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